Lots of companies want to provide you with an Office Coffee Service. We’re all familiar with the results, too. Pots of burned coffee with grounds lingering in the bottom and plenty of non-dairy creamer powdered all over the break room table. We wanted our coffee service to be something better.
We chose a great bean to cup grinder that brews a fresh cup of coffee every time directly from the beans. You can adjust the strength of the brew to your desires right on the touch screen. More than just coffee, this machine can also produce espresso, cappuccino, hot chocolate, french vanilla — you get the idea. You can even choose if you want a light roast or a dark roast bean since it holds two types of beans!
We knew that this coffee needed to start with the best beans as well so we’ve partnered with a local roaster, too. More on that later.
We can make this coffee part of your Avanti Market, or if you’re used to providing free coffee to your folks, we can also make it a separate little treat in your break room.
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